Why publish word games in your newspaper or magazine?
Word games add a new dimension to your publication. For some readers, a word game is a challenging pastime; for others, it may be educational; some may consider it entertainment. Whatever the reason, a word game is an asset to any newspaper or magazine looking to expand, both in size and circulation.
Consider this: 30 to 40% of readers of general interest newspapers solve the word games.
Word games are seen for extended periods of time. An avid crossword doer invests at least 20 minutes solving a puzzle; a less experienced puzzle doer may spend an hour. In fact, it is not at all uncommon for a puzzle doer to work on a puzzle and go back to it repeatedly until he or she has finished. Consequently, space adjacent to a word game is more valuable and can be sold to an advertiser at a higher rate. Even non-contiguous space on the same page is more valuable. Sponsorship of the puzzle by an advertiser can underwrite the entire cost of the puzzle and advertising space.
The content of Gabriel Publications word games would appeal to Catholics of all ages: retired religious and shut-ins, Catholic families, and teachers, who can use these puzzles as an additional way to bring your paper into their classrooms.
You may purchase print puzzles for your paper or interactive puzzles for your website.
100% Catholic Crosswords consist of approximately 40 clues with a loosely configured lattice. All clues are drawn from Scripture, Catholic teaching, Church history, and interesting facts about Catholicism.
Word search puzzles, or seek and finds, are drawn from a religious context, and each puzzle has a theme or seasonal focus, such as Marian Titles or Advent.